Caithness Area Place Plan

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In 2021, Highland Council made a commitment to develop Area Place Plans (APPs) mainly based on Area Committee boundaries. The Plans are being developed and facilitated in various ways across Highland, as each area is different.

Area Place Plans set out the vision, ambition and priorities for people and place in that particular area. This will support targeting resources, service delivery and provide a clear vision for attracting external investment. The APPs will help the Highland Council, partners and communities secure funding by evidencing the impact of every pound spent and the actions associated will provide clarity and manage expectation around how and where resources are prioritised. They will also provide a stronger framework for communities to prepare more local plans empowering them to drive and deliver change.

We appreciate there are a number of plans which inter-relate with the APPs, including Local Place Plans (LPPs), the Highland-wide Local Development Plan (LDP), the Highland Outcomes Improvement Plan (HOIP), the Highland Investment Plan (HIP) and the Community Partnership Plans. The information gathered from this Area Place Plan Participation site will be shared with colleagues working on those plans, and will minimise repeated consultations (this does not necessarily mean that there will be no other consultation from other Plans).

Engagement now underway!

Highland Council is running a series of drop in events for the community and partners to feed into the Caithness Area Place Plan.

The sessions will be held:

  • 10:30-15:30 Wednesday 12 Feb 2025, Pulteney Centre, Wick
  • 15:00-19:30 Tuesday 18 February 2025, Thurso Library
  • 14:00-17:00 Wednesday 26 February 2025, Lybster Community Hall

For those who can’t attend any of the sessions, there will also be an on-line evening event on Wednesday 19 February 2025.

River Berriedale Bridge at Braemore, Caithness (geograph 6795588).jpg by Andrew Tryon
People graphics by
Iryna Petrenko

In 2021, Highland Council made a commitment to develop Area Place Plans (APPs) mainly based on Area Committee boundaries. The Plans are being developed and facilitated in various ways across Highland, as each area is different.

Area Place Plans set out the vision, ambition and priorities for people and place in that particular area. This will support targeting resources, service delivery and provide a clear vision for attracting external investment. The APPs will help the Highland Council, partners and communities secure funding by evidencing the impact of every pound spent and the actions associated will provide clarity and manage expectation around how and where resources are prioritised. They will also provide a stronger framework for communities to prepare more local plans empowering them to drive and deliver change.

We appreciate there are a number of plans which inter-relate with the APPs, including Local Place Plans (LPPs), the Highland-wide Local Development Plan (LDP), the Highland Outcomes Improvement Plan (HOIP), the Highland Investment Plan (HIP) and the Community Partnership Plans. The information gathered from this Area Place Plan Participation site will be shared with colleagues working on those plans, and will minimise repeated consultations (this does not necessarily mean that there will be no other consultation from other Plans).

Engagement now underway!

Highland Council is running a series of drop in events for the community and partners to feed into the Caithness Area Place Plan.

The sessions will be held:

  • 10:30-15:30 Wednesday 12 Feb 2025, Pulteney Centre, Wick
  • 15:00-19:30 Tuesday 18 February 2025, Thurso Library
  • 14:00-17:00 Wednesday 26 February 2025, Lybster Community Hall

For those who can’t attend any of the sessions, there will also be an on-line evening event on Wednesday 19 February 2025.

River Berriedale Bridge at Braemore, Caithness (geograph 6795588).jpg by Andrew Tryon
People graphics by
Iryna Petrenko